Monday, May 11, 2015

Sperry Top Siders

We all have that one pair of shoes that we've had way too long but we couldnt possibly throw them away because of the sentimental value they have. In my case, I have a pair of tan classic Sperry Top Sider's that have definitely seen way better days. 
I wore these everyday in the summer from going to work at the beach, to parties to sailing, these shoes went everywhere with me. I loved them to death but soon enough they started to look really dirty and they just didn't have the same physical appeal that they used to have. The comfort level only went up though. These Sperry's got to be so disgusting by the end of the summer I couldn't even bring them inside the house. I had to literally leave them outside they were just so gross. Eventually I bought a new pair, but I still have those same Sperry's in the original box they came in!
Its funny how we can get so attached to something as materialistic as a pair of shoes, but honestly I wore those everywhere and so many memories were made. Bottom line is everyone is going to have that one pair of shoes, your going to love them and your not going to want to get rid of them. My advice; keep them as long as you can then GET RID OF THEM. Its not worth keeping them, they waste space. They're a pair of shoes that you once loved, but you can throw them away, its okay, I promise. 

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